• President: Viqar Husain (Mathematics and Statistics UNBF)
  • Past President: Sue Blair (Anthropology UNBF)
  • Vice President: Kerri Froc (Law UNBF) (Until Jan.1 2025) and Edith Snook (English UNBF) (From Jan.1 2025)
  • Vice President (CAE): Jeff McNally (Computer Science, SASE UNBSJ)
  • Vice President (Saint John): David Speed (Psychology, SASE UNBSJ)
  • Secretary: Merle Steeves (UNB Libraries UNBF)
  • Treasurer: Glenn Leonard (Faculty of Management UNBF)
  • Grievance (FT): Sue Blair (Anthropology UNBF) (Until Jan.1 2025) and Vlad Tasić (Mathematics and Statistics UNBF) (From Jan.1 2025)
  • Grievance (CAE): Kendra Haines (Education UNBF)

The president is an elected position and the past president is normally the previous or outgoing president; the other officers are appointed by the Executive Committee from those elected as members-at-large, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws.