The Vice-President (Research) Committee on Conflict of Interest, Disclosure of Financial Interests, and Integrity in Research and Scholarships was established as a committee of UNB Senates in 2006.
The complete list of members of the Committee is not available on the Senate website, or on the VP Research webpages. Below is the committee’s current membership (as of November 2019), obtained at our request by the University Secretary from the Office of the VP Research:
- Vice-President (Research): David MaGee
- Executive Director, Office of Research Services (ORS): Kelly Ashfield
- One member of ORS staff chosen by the Vice-President (Research) (non-voting): Sara K. Tennant
- Dean of Graduate Studies or designate: Drew Rendall
- One faculty member from the Fredericton campus appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Senate Nominating Committee: Bruce Balcom (FR, Physics)
- One faculty member from the Saint John campus appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Senate Nominating Committee: Scott Pavey (SJ, Biological Sciences)
- Three faculty members appointed by the Vice-President (Research), collectively having experience in research funded by the following granting councils: CIHR, NSERC, and SSHRC:
- Jon Sensinger (FR, Biomedical Engineering)
- Marilyn Hodgins (FR, Nursing)
- Cathy Holtmann (FR, Sociology; Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research)
- One graduate student appointed by the Graduate Student Association: Morgan Richard
Terms of Reference:
The Committe will examine and make recommendations to the Vice-President (Research) on matters pertaining to research related policies and procedures on the following topics:
- Disclosure of financial interests related to professional and scholarly activity;
- conflict of interest; and
integrity in research and scholarship.