Dear Members:

This memo is to confirm the understanding reached between UNB and AUNBT concerning an irregularity that occurred in collecting the data for Winter 2018 Student Opinion Surveys. As the result of a technical error, students were not notified that the surveys were available for completion and data were not collected for a significant number of sections where course instructors opted for the online administration of the survey. There were no irregularities in administration of the paper based surveys. In order to minimize the impact on AUNBT members, UNB and AUNBT agree that:

  • This memorandum refers only to Winter 2018 online Student Opinion Surveys and does not affect paper based surveys;
  • Winter 2018 online Student Opinion Surveys will not be included in official files unless their inclusion is explicitly requested by the course instructor;
  • the request to have Winter 2018 online Student Opinion Surveys included in the Official File is to be made by the course instructor in writing to their Dean, no later than September 7, 2018;
  • Deans will then inform the Office of the Vice President Academic in Fredericton or Vice President Saint John of the request for inclusion in the Official File;
  • if an instructor does not make such a request, they will be deemed to have requested that Winter 2018 online surveys not be included;
  • the absence of Winter 2018 online Student Opinion Survey data from the Official File shall not adversely affect any AUNBT member, including contract academic instructors, undergoing any form of assessment;
  • the absence of online Winter 2018 Student Opinion Survey data from an Official File cannot be used in and of itself for assessment purposes;
  • AUNBT will inform members by sending them a copy of this memo;
  • the Office of the VP Academic will inform Deans and Chairs by sending them a copy of this memo; Deans will include a copy of this memo with all files sent to assessment committees and external assessors if the assessment involves external reviewers;
  • a copy of this MOU will be added to any Official File where Winter 2018 online Student Opinion Surveys were not included, attached to a list of the affected course sections;
  • this agreement will be discussed at the joint UNB/AUNBT assessment committee workshops.

AUNBT members may contact the AUNBT Office in case clarifications are required.

The signed memo (pdf) is available here.

Winter 2018 Online SOS