The report of the Joint AUNBT/UNB Credit in Rank Anomalies Committee was discussed the AUNBT Annual General Meeting on 25 April 2018, and attached to the message to AUNBT members sent on 25 April 2018.
To ensure that no anomalies were overlooked, the Joint Committee requested that any full-time AUNBT member who fits the criteria to self-identify within one month from 25 April 2018 if they feel they did not receive a consistent allocation of credit in rank since July 1, 2001 with respect to the included guidelines and historical practice in their faculty.
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Joint AUNBT/UNB Committee on Credit in Rank Anomalies
Request for Full-Time AUNBT Members to Self-Identify
2018 April 23
In specified circumstances, the initial salary of AUNBT members may be increased above the salary floor of their rank by one or more of: a market differential for their discipline, a President’s discretionary amount, or a credit in rank allocation. In part, the Credit in Rank Anomalies Memorandum of Understanding states:
The credit-in-rank component of the salary structure is intended to account for experience that an appointee has acquired prior to being hired and that is applicable to the position being assumed. However, cases have been identified that indicate credit in rank may have been assigned inconsistently.
Hence the Parties agree to create a joint committee with the following objectives:
- To establish terms of reference as to what constitutes a “credit-in-rank anomaly,”
- To identify credit in rank anomalies which have arisen since July 1, 2001,
- To identify systemic reasons, if any, for each individual anomaly,
- To recommend to the Parties appropriate means of correcting clearly established anomalies (corrections shall not be retroactive), and
- To make other such recommendations that the committee feels necessary to avoid future credit-in-rank anomalies while recognizing that Faculties can have different criteria for hiring.
Correction of credit in rank anomalies shall take effect on a January 1 or July 1 following their identification. The source of funds for the correction of clearly established anomalies shall be a one-time fund in an amount of $60,000.
The Joint Committee members named by AUNBT are Miriam Jones, Chantal Richard, and Lloyd Waugh (co-chair) and those named by UNB are Trina Calhoun, Robert MacKinnon, and George MacLean (co-chair).
After conducting a survey of deans on both campuses regarding the allocation of credit in rank in their faculties, the Joint Committee developed the following guidelines to assist with the consistent allocation of credit in rank:
- Year for year credit for full-time service at an equivalent position at an institution that delivers similar programs.
- Credit for part-time university teaching experience to be assessed with the normal teaching load of the appropriate rank and Department/Faculty taken into consideration.
- Partial credit for service as a post-doctoral fellow or an equivalent funded internship if research is included in the workload.
- Partial credit for non-academic experience (e.g., government, industry, private corporations) with justification of the relevance to be provided by the Department/Faculty.
While recognizing that Faculties can have different criteria, these guidelines were developed for university-wide application and will be used in conjunction with historical practice and university records as our terms of reference for determining anomalies.
To ensure that we do not overlook anomalies, this request is that any full-time AUNBT member self-identify within one month if they feel they did not receive a consistent allocation of credit in rank since July 1, 2001 with respect to the above guidelines and historical practice in their faculty. After self-identifying to one of the co-chairs, you will be asked to provide background information to help the Joint Committee assess your case.