Nominations are hereby solicited for the following eighteen AUNBT executive positions.

  • Office of President.
  • Ten positions as members-at-large on the Executive Committee from Group 1 (full time) employees working at or out of the Frederictoncampus.
  • Two positions as members-at-large on the Executive Committee from Group 2 (part time) employees working at or out of the Frederictoncampus.
  • Four positions as members-at-large on the Executive Committee from Group 1 (full time) employees working at or out of the Saint John campus.
  • One position as member-at-large on the Executive Committee from Group 2 (part time) employees working at or out of the Saint John campus.

For the AUNBT by-law on nominations and elections, please see Section C at https://www.aunbt.ca/about/constitution/

If you have not already done so, you may download the AUNBT membership form and return it signed to the AUNBT Office by campus mail or email. Membership forms will also be available at the AGM.

The Nominating Committee consists of Chair, Francesca Holyoke (francesca.holyoke@bellaliant.net), Archives and Special Collections; Sue Blair (sblairunb@gmail.com), Anthropology; Miriam Jones (jones@unb.ca), Humanities and Languages

Nominations must be received in writing at the AUNBT office by 12:00 noon on Wednesday, April 10, 2019.  For more information, or to nominate someone, please contact any member of the Nominating Committee or aunbt@aunbt.ca.

Annual General Meeting – Video-Conference

Tuesday, 30 April 2019, 10 am            

Saint John: Hazen Hall 232

Fredericton: Wu Conference Centre, Kent Auditorium

Elections for AUNBT Executive: First Call for Nominations