Dear member;

On July 5, 2017, you received an update on the Administrative Services Review from President Campbell. We strongly encourage you to read that update and the documents that are linked to it. In particular, the 2017 external consultant’s report contains recommendations to restructure administration and budgeting at UNB, with potentially significant implications for aspects of collegial governance. It would be greatly appreciated if you could provide AUNBT with any comments and concerns you may have on this report to assist us in developing a response. Please forward your comments to

We have expressed to President Campbell our strong concerns with the deadline he specified for feedback. However, the current deadline is August 18, 2017. To provide AUNBT time to formulate a response by the deadline declared by the President, please send any initial comments to us as soon as possible, and prior to August 4, 2017.


Sue Blair

President, AUNBT

Administrative Services Review