Dear members of the CAE Unit of AUNBT,
As the fall semester is drawing rapidly to an end, I would like to invite you to a social gathering of your UNB colleagues to celebrate the end of another term. In the past this gathering has been a chance for CAs teaching at UNB to meet and get to know one another. As well, this occasion serves as an opportunity to meet and talk to your CA representatives on the AUNBT executive and grievance committee. All CAs teaching at UNB (Fredericton and Saint John) are most cordially invited to attend (see below for details). A welcome back to the winter semester will be held on the Saint John campus on January 24th. More details on this event will follow in the new year.
I hope to see you there and am looking forward to chatting with everyone.
All the best
Wendy Bourque
Date: Thursday, December 6th, 2018
Time: 3:30 – 5:30
Place: President’s Lounge, Alumni Memorial Building, UNB Fredericton Campus
Refreshments will be available