CAUT has sent a letter to President Mazerolle outlining concerns with the process surrounding the planned provost position. This letter follows on our concerns as outlined in letters to the President and Board of Governors on May 31, 2022.
Letters to the President and Chair of the BOG Regarding the Provost Position
AUNBT has sent a letter to President Mazerolle and another to Robyn Tingley, Chair of the Board of Governors, outlining our concerns with the process surrounding the planned provost position and given the results of the recent vote at a
Letter to UNB regarding the Human Rights & Positive Environment Office.
AUNBT has sent a joint letter, with fellow campus unions (Unifor Local 4504, CUPE 3339, PTSU PSAC Local 60551), to UNB President Paul Mazerolle concerning the Human Rights & Positive Environment Office (HRPEO). The letter may be read here: Letter
AUNBT letter regarding accommodations for parents with school-aged children
AUNBT President Melissa White has written a letter to UNB Vice President Academic Kathy Wilson regarding accommodations for parents with school-aged children. The letter may be read here: AUNBT letter regarding accommodations for parents with school-aged children.
AUNBT letter regarding proposed Provost position at UNB
AUNBT President Melissa White has written a letter to UNB President Paul Mazerolle regarding the proposed Provost position at UNB. The letter may be read here: AUNBT letter regarding proposed Provost position at UNB.
AUNBT message to members regarding Fall classes
Dear Members: May 14, 2021 Thank you to those of you who have taken the time to express to AUNBT your concerns relating to the planning process currently underway for course delivery in the Fall. In particular, many of you
AUNBT letter to UNB Administration regarding Fall classes
Dear Members, In response to plans for Fall term 2021, AUNBT has sent the following message and attached policy from McGill University to Kathy Wilson (VP, Academic, Fredericton) and Petra Hauf (VP, Saint John). We will be posting both the
AUNBT letter to UNB Administration regarding Fall planning
AUNBT President Sue Blair has written a letter to UNB Administration regarding the Fall semester planning that was provided to Deans and discussed at the February 25th UNB Town Hall. The letter may be read here: AUNBT letter regarding Fall
2021 Jon Thompson Lecture on Academic Freedom recording now available
The 2021 Jon Thompson Lecture on Academic Freedom featured a lecture by Alison Hearn titled: Who’s zooming who? Edtech, surveillance, equity, and academic freedom in the ‘outsourced’ university. Dr. Hearn is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Information and Media
Joint UNB AUNBT COVID-19 Accommodation Statement
Since March of this year, the AUNBT and UNB have been working closely together to identify and respond to issues facing AUNBT members and the UNB community as a result of the restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The parties’