Dear AUNBT member:
As you recall from our earlier messages on November 19 and January 7, the University is considering a significant change in the life insurance component of the fringe benefits plan for various employee groups, including the AUNBT full-time group.
Article 35.04 of the Full-Time (Group 1) Collective Agreement states: “Changes of any kind in the coverage of any of the fringe benefit plans or eligibility of Employees for participation in those plans shall only be made with the explicit prior agreement of the Association.”
As a result, full-time members are called to vote on the proposed changes.
Voting will take place on February 14 and February 15:
- Fredericton: (IUC Science Library, Room 112) 9am-4pm
- Saint John: (Hazen Hall, Room 7A) 9am-4pm
- Moncton: (55 Lutz Street, Room 134) 9am-4pm
We encourage you to review the following documents on the AUNBT website:
- Summary of proposed changes as received from UNB
- Responses by UNB to questions and comments AUNBT received by email
- Responses by UNB to questions and comments from the AUNBT Fall General Meeting
Several reminders will be sent to members before the vote.
Please make every effort to exercise your right to vote. The proposed change has the potential to affect all current and future full-time members.
V. Tasic
President, AUNBT